近年來,政府大力推動文創產業,廣設文創園區,文創展覽成為民眾體驗文創、業者推廣文創的場所,因此展覽事業在台灣蓬勃發展,看展覽已成為時下台灣人流行的休閒活動要項。本研究以焦點團體法瞭解文創展觀展者的觀展動機與感覺經驗,並探究其對文創展的認知與看法。本研究發現,受訪者認為台灣時下文創展有以下特色:展示現代作品、展品是創新的、結合在地文化、與生活相連結,同時是文創商品的展示。文創展覽可分為當代工藝、視覺設計、流行文化、創意行銷與科技概念五大類別,其中流行文化和創意行銷類最受觀展者青睞。受訪者主要的觀展動機為個人興趣與社交活動,而獲得的觀展經驗以商品消費與情感經驗最多。 During these years, the Taiwanese government has put a lot of effort into promoting cultural and creative industries, and building cultural and creative park. Cultural and creative exhibition has increasingly become a place for the industry to promote ideas, and for visitors to experience culture and creativity. Nowadays, the exhibition business in Taiwan is booming, and visiting an exhibition has become one of the most popular activities for Taiwanese people. This study explored the motivation and experience of visitors to cultural and creative exhibitions, and investigated the perspectives and insights of the visitors using focus group methodology. The results show that most of the cultural and creative exhibitions in Taiwan feature contemporary and innovative artworks, and artworks with a connection to local culture and life. In addition, displaying cultural and creative products as part of an exhibition is one of the characteristic features. The five main categories of cultural and creative exhibition are contemporary craft, visual design, popular culture, creative marketing and new media art. In fact, popular culture and creative marketing are the two most attractive types of exhibition to individuals. The primary purposes of visiting an exhibition were for personal interests and socializing; and most of the visitors consumed a product or experienced feelings and inspiration when visiting an exhibition.