「劉全進瓜」故事出自《西遊記》第十一回,敘述唐太宗遊地府時,曾答應要給十殿閻羅奉送南瓜。劉全因和妻子吵架,導致其妻李翠蓮自殺,劉全為此捨了性命,願以死進瓜。到了陰間,十殿閻羅明白原委,查看生死簿,發現他夫妻們都有登仙之壽,於是讓劉全還陽,李翠蓮還魂,附身於剛去世的唐御妹李玉英之身,夫妻二人歡歡喜喜還鄉。故事最早見於元代楊顯之的雜劇《劉泉進瓜》,《錄鬼簿》、《太和正音譜》、《元曲選目》、《今樂考證》、《曲錄》均著錄此劇簡名,但今未見傳本。劉全進瓜以其內在的故事張力,在後代戲曲中仍然傳唱不衰,並脫離《西遊記》,以單線發展的形式形成獨立的傳播體系。而在傳播過程中,也被賦予種種內涵,呈現出不同的故事面貌,表現出鮮明的題材選擇傾向。本文即思加以規整,試圖理出此故事演變的軌跡,並看出各種戲曲作品主題思想的差異。 Story of ”Liu Quan Jin Gua” is from the eleventh round of Journey to the West. When Tang Taizong visited the hell, he promised to give pumpkins to Yamaraj. Liu Quan quarreled with his wife, Li Cuilian, and caused her to commit suicide. Liu Quan gave up his life for this and would like to dedicate melons. The story first appeared in the Yuan dynasty. With its inherent story tension, it is still handed down in the future. Separating from Journey to the West, it became an independent communication system by a single line development form. In the process of communication, it was also endowed with various connotations and showed different story appearances and clear tendency to choose themes. In this paper, I would like to regularize and figure out the trajectory of the evolution of this story. In addition, to clarify the differences of main points among the works.