「神」與「聖」的靈性需求,對於吾人而言,實「再現」為宗教與道德的價值取向,顯見在「神的形象」與「人的形象」互為關涉之間,存在著神話思維的集體潛意識。本文將探討如何重建人與萬物、神異繫聯與交感的模式,通過民間信仰中關注的「神通廣大」與「神祇象徵」的意涵,進行神獸原型探勘,以及象徵體系的分析。進而在「天人關係」的義理框架之外,確立另一個「物類交感」的表述型態。 Spiritual demand of “deity” and “saint”, for us, means to “represent” religious and moral value orientation. Thus, between “image of deity” and “image of humans”, there is collective subconsciousness of mythical thoughts. This study aims to find out how to reconstruct connection and correspondence model between human beings, the whole creation and deity. By “great magic power” and “deity symbols” concerned by folklore religion, it explores archetypes of mythological animal and analyzes symbolic system. Thus, beyond argumentation of “heaven-human relation”, it validates another expression type of “categorical correspondence”.