越中兩國因萬安灘的歸屬以及海洋活動問題,2019年再次上演對立情形,此事件也再度引發越南是否對中國提起國際訴訟的討論。由於菲律賓已經對中國提出訴訟且作出裁決,因此越南在此經驗上做出更為細膩的檢討。然而,慮及越中關係維繫的重要性,儘管越南外交部門早已準備好法律仲裁資料,真正提出還需要有堅定的政治意志。本研究計畫探討越南以法律途徑解決南海爭端的脈絡、越南的立場以及對提出國際仲裁的考慮問題。 Due to the sovereign rights of Vanguard Bank and the issue of marine activities, Vietnam and China have again confronted each other in 2019, and this event has once again triggered discussions on whether Vietnam will bring an international arbitration against China. As the Philippines has filed an arbitration against China, Vietnam has made a more detailed review of this experience. However, considering the importance of maintaining Vietnam-China relations, even though Vietnamese foreign affairs department has already prepared data on legal arbitration, it is still necessary to have a firm political will to make a real proposal. This research plan explores the context in which Vietnam resolves disputes in the South China Sea through legal means, Vietnam's position, and consideration of the issue of international arbitration.