中共在革命建國的歷程中,長期來有效地發揮音樂的政治性運用,進而達到動員群眾與凝聚民心。90年代後,面對衆聲喧嘩的流行音樂在普羅大眾間的廣泛聆聽、傳唱與分亭,中國官方開始收編一些在流行音樂走紅的歌曲與歌手,透過黨國控管的演出場域,將音樂文本適時地轉喻,達到傳達黨國意識的目的,並使得其中組織的黨國意識處於流變中的狀態。 Music has been used for political purposes throughout the development of China after the revolution to mobilize the crowd and hold people together. After the 90s, pop music has begun to be broadly shared, sung and listened among the public. The Chinese government therefore began to collect popular songs and singers from which the metaphors of the lyrics would be slightly changed sometimes to match the party-state consciousness. While the government may convey their policy in this way, it also exposes the party-state consciousness in a changing status.