本研究以計劃行為理論概念為理論基礎,並利用線性結構方程模式探討男女性別差異對自行車環台者的態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制與行為意圖的影響。本研究以網路電子問卷蒐集所需的實證資料,針對一年內曾參與自行車環台活動或有環台意願的受訪者進行抽樣,共回收400份有效問卷。研究顯示性別差異對環台意圖有顯著的影響:女性受訪者的態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制皆正向影響其環台意圖,其中知覺行為控制的效果最大。男性受訪者的主觀規範正向效果最大,惟態度構念對自行車環台意圖的影響並不顯著。 This paper uses the theory of planned behavior to study gender differences in traveler's intention on bicycle trip round Taiwan and investigate the relationships between attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control by structural equation modeling. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed to those respondents who are identified as actual or potential cycle tourists round Taiwan. Empirical results reveal that the relationships between behavioral intention and women's attitude, subject norm, and perceived behavior control are positively supported. Perceived behavioral control has the most influence on behavior intention to take a bicycle trip round Taiwan. In the men's model, subjective norm has the greatest positive effect on behavior intention. But attitude does not play any significant role in affecting men's intention. Our findings suggest that gender can exert influences on behavioral intentions.
真理觀光休閒學報/ALETHEIA Journal of Tourism and Leisure 8期 pp.21-36