本研究以休閒活動參與者為對象,探討休閒涉入與地方依戀間之關係,並檢視環境復癒知覺的中介角色。首先,本研究依據文獻提出研究假設,並以麻豆總爺藝文中心為研究場域,利用問卷方式調查該場域之 628 位休閒活動參與者進行問卷調查,再運用結構方程式(SEM)驗證模式之因果關係,探討環境復癒知覺所扮演的中介效果。研究結果發現:休閒涉入特質愈明顯的休閒活動參與者,從活動所獲得的地方依戀相對愈強烈。休閒涉入程度愈明顯的活動參與者,其所從事活動的場所環境對其產生復癒知覺涉入的程度也會愈高。活動參與者環境復癒知覺的程度愈高,從活動場域所獲得的地方依戀感相對愈強烈。環境復癒知覺在休閒涉入與地方依戀間扮演著中介的角色,亦即休閒涉入會透過活動場域的環境產生之復癒知覺,增強休閒參與活動者對場域之地方依戀。本研究最後就結果進行討論,並提出相關之建議,以作為休閒遊憩規劃者及後續研究者之參考。 The purposes of the study emphasize on leisure activities participators, and investigate the relationships among leisure involvement, restorative perception, and place attachment. Besides that, we test the mediate effect of restorative perception. This study builds a model and hypothesis according to literatures, and also collects 628 valid questionnaires from Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center in Matou. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is applied to test the cause relations between leisure involvement, restorative perception, and place attachment, and further investigate the mediate effect of restorative perception. The result of research is how leisure involvement has positive relationship with restorative perception. When the leisure activities participators have higher level restorative perception, leisure involvement has positive influence on place attachment. Restorative perception is a mediator between leisure involvement and place attachment. Finally, according to the findings, comprehensive discussion and recommendation are offered to leisure and recreation practitioner and future researchers.