民眾在從事休閒活動時常會做一些不當行為造成遊憩環境的破壞,本研究以「問題導向學習」教學法(Problem-Based Learning, PBL)設計一個教案,讓受訪學生了解「民眾在公園曾做的不當行為」,假設受訪學生在觀察民眾不當行為後會反思自己是否曾做過遊客在公園曾做的不當行為,本研究目的之一是藉PBL教案讓學生學習自我反思能力。另一目的是想了解受訪者自評在公園曾做的不當行為、了解受訪者認為在公園做不當行為的原因,本研究以便利抽樣請參加PBL教案學生及一般民眾填寫問卷,有效問卷率為98.8%,將問卷結果進行分析,本研究結果部分符合研究假設,本研究結果可知PBL課程不但提升學生學習興趣,也可引導學生自我反思能力,以後可繼續利用PBL教學法,本研究結果可當公園管理者未來管理公園之參考。 Because people often do some vandalisms when they participate in leisure activities at the parks to destroy the parks. In this study, a problem-based learning ( PBL) teaching method was used to design a project for the surveyed students to observe how people did inappropriate behaviors at the park. Then the surveyed students self-assessed “Have they ever done the vandalisms that they used to observe those behaviors at the parks by questionnaires. One of the purposes for the PBL was to induce the surveyed students self-assessed abilities after observing others' inappropriate behaviors at the park. The surveyed students observed people' inappropriate behaviors at the park in April 2020, and then used the self-administered questionnaires to ask who had or had not ever participated in the observed method at park were the procedures of this study. The other purpose of this study was to understand the inappropriate behaviors of the people' self-assessments and their cognitions of the caused reasons for those behaviors at the parks. The questionnaires for samples were conducted in May 2020. Two hundred and fifty-six questionnaires were collected, and 253 valid data were used to analyze as the results. The valid rate was 98.2%. The results of this research partially meet the research hypothesis. The results of this study prove that the PBL curriculum not only enhances students' interest in learning, but also induce students' self-assessed ability, and it is suggested to continue using the PBL learning method in the future. In addition, the results of this study can be used as references for park authorities to manage parks in the future.