本文探討美國印太戰略下美台關係的發展。自2006年以來,「印太」一詞逐漸成為一種戰略願景。儘管有些人相信太平洋和印度洋是自然的地緣政治舞台和戰略現實,但另一些人則認為,該概念主要是基於美國及其盟邦之間共同價值觀和規範的理念建構,並且藉由對中國崛起的安全憂慮所驅動。雖然各個國家及其領導人已經闡明了各種政策立場,但本文主要探討美國的印太戰略及其總體目標。美國印太戰略至少有三個主要組成的部分,包括軍事平衡、經濟共同體以及共享的理念和價值。台灣作為該戰略的「特別夥伴」身份,使得台美關係在軍事、經濟以及治理三面向都獲得強化,無論如何,未來台美各自利益融合的程度將是最重要的影響因素。 This article discusses the development of US-Taiwan relations under the US Indo-Pacific strategy. Since 2006, the term “Indo-Pacific” has gradually become a strategic vision. Although some people believe that the Pacific and Indian Oceans are natural geopolitical arenas and strategic realities, others believe that the concept is mainly based on the conceptual construction of common values and norms between the United States and its allies, and driven by security anxiety over the rise of China. Although various countries and their leaders have clarified various policy positions, this article mainly discusses the US Indo-Pacific strategy and its overall goals. The US Indo-Pacific strategy has at least three main components, including military balance, economic community, and shared ideas and values. Taiwan's status as a “special partner” of this strategy has strengthened Taiwan-US relations in terms of military, economic, and governance. In any case, the degree of fusion of the respective interests of Taiwan and the United States will be the most important factor in the future.