攻守理論自1970年代末出現以來,對於國內政治社會因素究竟如何影響攻守平衡,大多沒有清楚論述與實證研究。對此,本文嘗試以台海兩岸的對峙為案例,主張當代的軍事科技,若以對經濟生產的攻擊來看是有利於攻擊,但正因為兩岸雙方彼此都易於攻擊對方的經濟,而雙方的內政上也都不願意戰火破壞經濟,故而形成了傳統武器的相互保證毀滅,兩岸間的攻守平衡其實是往防禦優勢的方向移動,促使兩岸關係走向穩定。 Since its origin in the late 1970s, offense-defense theory has yet provided clear causal logic and empirical studies over how demestic politics affect the offense-defense balance. This article tries to approach this gap by studying the Cross-Taiwan Strait confrontation and argues that, modern military technologies of precision guided munitions favor offensive in terms of striking oppont's economy assets. Nonetheless, given the unwillingness of the general publics to suffer from military conflict, mutual assured destruction of conventional weapons established. Thus, modern military technologies favor defensive across the Taiwan Strait because of this low moral and thus stabilize the Cross-Strait Relations.