[背景]過去針對新興即時互動系統,且從學生觀點探究效益的報告十分有限。筆者在通識課程三國演義中,於每次上課時先以學習反饋系統進行測驗,以了解此一科技產品在教學的效果。[方法] 本研究透過分析團體訪談逐字稿(105學年度)與反思作業文本(106學年度),呈現2個學期學生對Zuvio的口語與文字意見,參與者為105-1與106-1修課學生各37、40位。[結果] 運用線上作答功能對學習的幫助包括:1.提昇學習動機;2.增進學習成就感;3.增加課堂趣味;4.培養團隊合作默契;5.檢視並增進學習成效。[討論] 線上平台具備便利性、立即性、趣味性、合作性、視覺性等特色。教師若充分掌握科技產品特性,並與所授課程充分結合,當能創造有別於傳統教室的良好效益。 [Background] Previously, there were a lot of studies on technology-assisted teaching, but very few gathered opinions from the perspective of students on the benefits of these new real-time online interactive systems. To realize the effects of this teaching platform, I requested the students in the course of “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” to read 10 chapters every week, and complete a quiz on the platform Zuvio in the beginning of each session of the class. [Method] Through the analysis of focus group transcripts (in 2016) and reflective writings (in 2017), this study demonstrated parts of students' verbal and written reports to elaborate the pros and cons of the platform. Participants were 37 and 40 students who jointed in the courses in the first semester of 2016 and 2017, respectively. [Results] Students' feedbacks showed that there were several benefits to their learning due to the platform: 1) elevating learning motivation; 2) increasing learning achievement; 3) creating the fun of classes; 4) cultivating team cooperation; 5) reviewing and promoting the learning effectiveness. [Discussion] Online platform have the advantages of convenience, immediacy, joyfulness, cooperation, visual effects and so on. If teachers well know the features of tech products and integrate them into their classes, they can create the teaching benefits that are different from traditional teaching classes.