情感是人與人之間相繫的開端,婚姻更是建立家庭、維繫社會的基礎。從佛法為人所需、為人間所設做出發,本文將探討星雲大師的婚戀觀內涵。論文以星雲大師的《迷悟之間》、《人間萬事》為主要依據,並參照相關論著。星雲大師的婚戀觀從佛教弘法利生的角度切入,以「愛」為根本,肯定婚姻是「人間不能少」的制度。其主張「相互」尊重的平等觀,在合於佛法及道德禮法下,推動婚戀的抉擇與經營。在實踐的層面,星雲大師提出諸多婚姻中的相處之道,表現在人生儀式中,則有「佛化婚禮」及「菩提眷屬祝福禮」的舉辦。大師對婚戀的態度和主張,對於個體情感抉擇、婚姻經營、煩惱對治有著莫大的助益,更有助於家庭美滿、社會的穩定及和樂。 Affection is the start of human relationships. Marriage is the foundation to establish a family and sustain the society. From the point of view that Buddhism has to meet people's needs and consider the human world, the paper will discuss the content of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's view on marriage and love. Mainly based on Venerable Master's Between Ignorance and Enlightenment and Life's Ten Thousand Affairs, this study refers to the related publications. Venerable Master's view on marriage and love starts from the angle of propagating the Dharma and benefiting all beings and affirms that marriage is an “indispensable” system in human world based on “love.” It advocates the equality of “mutual” respect and promotes the decision and management of marriage and love in accordance with the Dharma, morality, and etiquette. In terms of practice, Venerable Master proposes many ways to get along with each other in marriage. The life rituals include “Buddhist wedding” and “Bodhi couple blessing.” Venerable Master's attitude and view on marriage and love greatly benefit not only individual affectional decisions, marriage management, and trouble solving but also family happiness, social stability and harmony.