摘要: | 台灣五○年代是歌仔戲興盛期,新和興歌劇團創立於1956年,曾以一齣《白蛇傳》風靡全台,一年受邀演出曾經高達三百餘場,然而在時代變遷及多元化聲光娛樂衝擊下,對歌仔戲產生巨大影響,劇團更面臨發展窘境,全盛時期的新和興分成三團營運,但目前有營運的僅「新和興第二歌劇團」。 「新和興第二歌劇團」於2010年更名「新和興總團」,在團長江金龍、江陳咏蓁夫婦秉持對歌仔戲傳承使命帶領下,嘗試不同題材、風格、形式的演出,定期於劇場年度公演,廣獲各界好評及觀眾喜愛,為劇團也為歌仔戲另闢蹊徑。 江陳咏蓁女士有感於演出劇本的創新改良是當務之急,初時躬親創作,但僅止於舊劇目的編修,難以顯著提升劇本質感。機緣巧合下於2013年結識吳淑嬪女士,義務為劇團編寫劇本。2015年以原創劇本《紅塵夢》於彰化員林演藝廳公演,這是新和興總團前所未有的嘗試,也寫下嶄新的一頁。故本文以新和興總團最具代表性,可與現代劇場歌仔戲發展作一互相對照的演出劇本為對象,探討其在劇本創作上的內涵與特色。 沒有觀眾,就沒有舞台。綜觀歌仔戲劇團演出戲碼,所謂創新,不外乎「老調重彈、舊瓶新裝」,不是改良於其它劇種或歷史小說,就是老戲重新改編,鮮少如《紅塵夢》出於原創。歌仔戲是本土最具代表性戲曲,保留並薪傳是當務之急,但政府經費力量有限,而民間歌仔戲劇團又面臨巨大的現實考驗,故對歌仔戲的經營困境提出建議,如劇本缺乏創新、演出經費不足、演員年齡斷層等,希冀能突破困境,讓歌仔戲得以永續發展、薪傳不輟。 The fifties are the peak of Taiwanese opera. The Shin-He-Shing Opera Team, established in 1956, once performed The White Snake Chronicles, which took Taiwan by storm, and once, was performed more than 300 times during a year. It influenced Taiwanese opera gradually through the passing times and the entertainment media's growth, though it faced development problems. During the team's peak, it was divided into three groups, though now only one group called "Shin-He-Shing Opera Team II" is still running. After the group changed its name into "Shin-He-Shing Team" in 2010, team leads/couple Jiang Jin Long and Jiang Chen Yong Jen vowed to pass on the tradition and lead the group to create performances with various topics and style, while holding annual shows in theaters. Thanks to their diligence and innovation, the performances are critically acclaimed and loved, paving a bright path for the group. Jiang Chen Yong Jen's action to innovate the performances came with urgency, since the previous performances are mere refinements of their earlier ones that never seemed to enhance the overall texture of their scripts. Luckily during 2013, they contacted Mrs. Wu Shu Ping to help them write scripts. Then, two years later, the original performance "Dreams of Normal People" was held in Yuan Lin Performance Arts Theater, in Yuan Lin, Changhua. It's an attempt never done before which helped them turn over a new leaf. It's the finest representation of Shin-He-Shing Opera Team, which can be compared to the other modern Taiwanese opera plays, and its content can be analyzed in detail. There's no performance without an audience. After all the analyses of the plays we come to a conclusion: If innovation isn't the refinement of other plays or historical novels, it's merely the re-adaptations of the early plays, unlike the originally scripted Dreams of Normal People. Taiwanese opera is the landmark drama art form of our country. Though it's an obligation to preserve it and pass it down generations, the government can only provide limited amounts of support. Folk Taiwanese opera faced great challenges when trying to remain cultural relevance in the modern-day world, so I would advise: "If your innovation and/or budget are poor, or if there are age gaps within the acting group, I hope you all can solve all of these problems. I wish this valuable, timeless piece of art will be passed down and continue to evolve." |