摘要: | 台灣許多偏鄉均面臨高齡化、少子化、人口外移的情況,而對國中學校而言,意味著需面對新生人數不足,而造成減班、併校、超額教師等問題,除了影響教學品質外,而選擇學生就讀學區也成為家長的重要課題。本文以彰化縣某國中為例,探討該學區家長選擇學校的考量因素。本文經相關文獻探討,將家長複雜的擇校考量因素建構層級架構關係,並建構出影響家長選校決策因素的四大構面,分別是「學校形象」、「教師形象」、「課程規劃」、「環境設備」,以及各構面的各項評估指標共十六項。經由專家問卷的發放與資料分析後,發現家長選擇學校學區的重要考量因素重要性依序分別是「課程規劃」、「教師形象」、「環境設備」和「學校形象」。至於在十六項評估項目準則中,依其重要度的優先順序前六名為「多元社團活動」、「學科課程加強」、「服務態度」、「教學輔助設備」、「專業能力」、「課後補救輔導」。本研究之分析結果將有助於提供給學校經營者作為行銷與辦學策略之參考。 Many rural areas in Taiwan are facing situations such as aging population, low fertility rate and population outflow. For the junior high schools, they are confronted with the problem of insufficient number of new students, which led to problems such as reduced classes, merging schools, and excess teachers. This will not only affect the teaching quality, but will also become an important issue for parents when choosing a school district for the students. This article took a junior high school in Changhua County as an example to explore the consideration factors that parents in the school district are faced when choosing schools. After some investigation of relevant literature, this paper constructed a hierarchical structural relation of parents' complex school-selection considerations and constructed four major aspects that influenced the decision-making factors of parents' school choices. They are, "school image", "teacher image", "curriculum planning" and "environment and facilities", plus a total of 16 evaluation indicators for various aspects. After the issuance of the expert questionnaire and the analysis of the data, it was found that when parents are choosing the school district, the importance of the considerations they placed are respectively in the order of "curriculum planning", "teacher image", "environment and facility" and "school image". As for the sixteen assessment criteria, the top six in order of importance were "Diversified Student Extra-Curricular Activities”, "Subject Curriculum Improvement", "Service Attitude", "Teaching Aid", “Professional Competence" and "After-school remedial counseling". The results of this study will serve as a reference for school management,to assist them in marketing and school strategy. |