本研究以參與廟會陣頭活動的相關因素出發,討論其「參與動機」、「學習意願」及「價值認同」,以實際有參與廟會陣頭活動的嘉義地區中學生為研究對象,根據回收問卷以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等方法將資料予以分析。 研究發現:高中一年級、男生、排行最大、雙親家庭、父母教育程度為高中職、父母職業為技術性工人、民主威信的父母管教方式、家中信仰道教、學業成績丁等的中學生參與廟會陣頭活動的人數最多。再者,與朋友同行、非常喜歡廟會陣頭活動、喜歡神將扮演、參與過科儀活動、活動訊息來源自於朋友邀約、半年內參加過一至二次及家人對期參與廟會陣頭活動沒有意見的中學生參與廟會陣頭活動的人數最多。 以參與動機為討論,選擇子構面參與程度以「我參與廟會陣頭活動是喜歡傳統慶典的熱鬧氣氛」為最高;選擇子構面參與意願以「我參與廟會陣頭活動是可以讓自已更加快樂」為最高;選擇子構面參與行為以「我希望以後繼續參加廟會陣頭活動」為最高。 以學習意願為討論,選擇子構面常規適應以「我會遵守學校、班級所訂定的規定」為最高;選擇子構面學習適應以「我對某些科目的學習內容仍然有興趣」為最高;選擇子構面自我適應以「我喜歡在課本畫滿官將首的臉譜而不是筆記」為最高。 以價值認同為討論,選擇子構面自我肯定以「在陣頭活動的不同分工之中,我找到合適的角色發揮」為最高;選擇子構面文化認知以「宮廟陣頭中所訂定的戒律,我會一一遵守」;選擇子構面經濟需求以「我在廟會陣頭活動中可以賺取可觀收入」為最高;選擇子構面友誼關係以以「我覺得廟會陣頭活動的朋友可以提供很多實用的、生活處事上的建議」為最高。 差異性分析部分,以就讀年級、性別、學業成績、每周可使用零用錢的金額及父母親的管教態度對中學生參與廟會陣頭有顯著差異,父母親的教育程度則無顯著差異。最後在回歸分析上,顯示「參與動機」、「學習意願」這兩個變項對「價值認同」有影響力,「參與動機」呈現正相關;「學習意願」呈現負相關。 The research aims to investigate the relevant factors of junor and senior high students who participate in local temple troupes in Chiayi. Their motivations, their learning willingness and their value identifications are proved as well. We found that most students who participate in local temple troupes in Chaiyi have something in common. Most of them are in the first grade of senior high, male, the eldest child in the family, believe in Taoism, and often receive Cs in their grades. Besides, most of their parents are workers and graduated from high schools or vocational schools, and the parenting style is authoritative. Their motivations are as follows: 1. They participate in local temple troupes because they love the lively atmosphere in the celebrations. 2. They want to feel happier. 3. They hope they can continue to take part in local temple troupes in the future. Their learning willingness is as follows: 1. They will obey the classoom and school rules 2. They still show some interests in some school subjects. 3. They like to draw pictures of Chinese opera facial make-up on textbooks instead of taking notes. Their value identifications are as follows: 1. They find a suitable role to play in local temple trouples. 2. They follow the discipline set by the temples. 3. They can make a considerable amount of money in local temple trouples. 3. Friends they made in local temple trouples can provide useful advice on life and dealing with things.