本論文以LoRa通訊為主、藍牙通訊為輔來實現遠距離傳輸之智能蜂箱所需之系統,本系統主要可分為四個部分,Server端、終端節點、中繼節點與感測端節點;終端節點以 Raspberry Pi b+ 搭配LoRa模組負責與中繼節點進行遠距離溝通,雛形以Raspberry Pi b+ 作為終端節點,負責與中繼節點進行遠距離溝通,通知中繼節點收集節點感測資料,收到通知後,中繼節點與感測端節點會透過藍牙通訊,將感測端節點所收集到的溫度、濕度、照度資料紀錄,透過中繼節點傳遞給終端節點,終端節點則將資料傳到Server上,讓使用者可以透過APP與Web查看每個蜂箱的感測資料。 This paper is mainly focused on developing an intelligence beehive system (IBS) with a wide range LoRa communication. Additionally, the LoRa module is used to supplement the disadvantage of short-distance data transmission for Bluetooth. The proposed IBS can be roughly divided into four parts: 1) Cloud sever for data record and analysis; 2) End-node for data collection; 3) Repeater for data temporary storage and transmission; 4) Sensing node. The ended node consists of a Raspberry pi b+ and a LoRa module whose main function is supporting a wide range communication, when the request messages have to be transmitted between the end-node and a repeater. For the proposed IBS, the sensing data such as temperature, humidity, and illuminance are recorded and collected from sensing nodes and then are transmitted to a repeater through a Bluetooth module. Furthermore, the end node is forward these collections to a cloud server for data analysis. The user not only uses the APP to view the recorded information but also checks the sensing situation from the website. Based on the proposed IBS design, it would be very suitable for monitoring the actives of bee colony in the future.