本研究主要探討太平雲梯風景區遊客對於服務品質及遊憩吸引力之影響。藉由分析影響遊客旅遊太平雲梯風景區時對於服務品質與遊憩吸引力之影響因子,建構由服務品質、遊憩吸引力及個人基本資料等三大主軸之問卷,藉以調查並探討太平雲梯風景區服務品質與遊憩吸引力的影響因素,以及服務品質與遊憩吸引力兩者間的關係。最終發放420份,回收有效問卷400份。本問卷設計共分為三大部分:1. 服務品質 2. 遊憩吸引力3.人口統計變項等三部分,資料分析採用敘述性統計及重要度-表現分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis,簡稱IPA)來分析。結果發現服務品質「 太平雲梯當地民宿、飯店乾淨、整潔、舒適」、「太平雲梯當地民宿、飯店住宿價格合理」、「 太平雲梯公共廁所的數量足夠」、「太平雲梯停車空間足夠」、是首要加強改善的,本研究結果將提供國內的觀光相關產業參考。 In this thesis, we examine the influences of both the service quality and recreation area attraction of Taiping suspension bridge. By analyzing the factors which might affect the service quality and recreation area attraction of Taiping suspension bridge, three major topics which are service quality, recreation area and personal basic information of the questionnaires were designed. By conducting the investigation, we can have the results to improve the facility or the service quality and understand what factors might affect visitor's expectation. A total of 420 questionnaires were collected and valid questionnaires 400copies. The destination of the questionnaires can be separated by three parts which are service quality, recreation area attraction and people population respectively. The data analysis method used is narrative statistics and the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). We conclude that "Comfort and cleanness of the hotel or the homestay"; "Reasonable price of the hotel or the homestay"; "Quantity of public toilet" and "Quantity of parking lot "are the items which have to be improved. The results of this thesis can be provided to tourism industry for reference.