台灣為一小型開放經濟體,內部資源缺乏,對外貿易依存度高,易受到國際之景氣影響。新台幣對全球匯率變動更影響台灣對外出口之競爭力以及對內進口之物價指數,故國際貿易中的進出口值是衡量一國經濟成長的重要項目,所以國際貿易的變化對台灣來說是非常重要的,同時,國際貿易競爭力亦是世界各國競爭力的重要指標之一,本研究主要是國際貿易針對消費者物價指數及新台幣對全球匯率 三方之連動關係之結果發現,匯率會影響國際貿易,國際貿易會影響消費者物價指數,但消費者物價指數卻不會影響匯率。在經濟學裡看不見的手,因為政府為了穩定市場匯率所造成。 Taiwan is a small open economy with a lack of internal resources and a high degree of dependence on foreign trade. It is vulnerable to the international boom. The new Taiwan dollar changes the competitiveness of Taiwan's foreign exchange and the price index of domestic imports. Therefore, the import and export value in international trade is an important item to measure the economic growth of a country. Therefore, the change of international trade is for Taiwan. Very importantly, at the same time, international trade competitiveness is also one of the important indicators of the competitiveness of the world. This study is mainly related to the international trade against the consumer price index and the new Taiwan dollar against the global exchange rate three links As a result, it is found that the exchange rate will affect international trade, and international trade will affect the consumer price index, but the consumer price index will not affect the exchange rate. Adam Smith 1779 The Wealth of Nations, because of the government's efforts to stabilize the market exchange rate.