台灣民主基金會提出近七成民眾願意為了保衛台灣而戰的民意調查結果在美國發布後,引起各界議論。持正面態度者認為,這是台灣意識的覺醒以及對民主價值的自豪;持反面態度者則認為,問卷提問不精確根本不能過度解讀。對此,本研究主張,問卷設計方式當然會影響調查結果,但民眾保衛台灣的意願本來也就隨不同的政治目的而變化,同時因為民眾對戰爭的理解不同而有差異。中華民國在台灣是最大共識,也才會有最多人的願意捍衛,偏向台灣獨立的政策民眾則較不願意挺身而戰,對於戰爭代價比較有所認識的民眾也會比較不傾向戰爭,只有少數反中意識形態堅定者例外。本研究將透過網路問卷調查加以驗證。 The poll conducted by Taiwan Foundation for Democracy in 2018 asserted that nearly 70% of the Taiwanese people are willing to defend Taiwan, but this assertion gathered controversy. Supporters believed that this is the awakening of Taiwanese consciousness and the pride of democratic values; Critics, on the other hand, believed this is the result of inaccurate questioning, which cannot be over-interpreted. In this regard, this study argues that, the design of a questionnaire will certainly affect the results of that survey, but the willingness to defend Taiwan will always change given the different political purposes. In addition, people have different level of understandings regarding wars. People may support wars without realizing the costs. Republic of China is the most accepted consensus in Taiwan, which will earn more people to defend. In contrast, policies toward independence will be less received and the people who know more about the costs of wars will be less inclined to fight. Only a few exceptions to this are those with the anti-China ideology. This hypothesis will be verified through an online questionnaire survey.