莊子察覺世人常執著「情」緒所擾、為「形」所困伴隨痛苦,提出「德」、忘「形」、忘「情」改變原有價值的哲學思維,以喚醒人們對重視內在「德」性精神的美好。〈德充符〉中莊子提出「無情」的論點,以無掉「情」緒執著及「情」緒對人的傷害,並培養超越「德」性工夫。莊子以「無情」論點超越情緒執著於是非好惡,開顯「德」性境界。讓人們重新思考「德」與「形」「情」的價值意義,不受限社會標準判斷,活出自在有「德」的人生。 Chuang-tze perceived that people often suffered from a dilemma accompanied by "the emotions" and "the appearance". As a result, he proposed his unprecedented philosophy about "virtue, appearance, and emotions" to remind people looking at the goodness of spirits. In < Der Chong Fwu>, Chuang-tze also initiated the issue of "de-emotion" to cease the burden of emotions and to cultivate the virtues in spiritual life. He pointed out that without emotions, virtues could be cultivated without the disturbance of right or wrong and likes or dislikes. The values of "virtues", "appearance", and "emotion" help people to excel themself judgment to live a virtuous life.