本研究旨在探究中年女性親密關係之經驗。目的在以完形取向觀點探討中年女性,於親密關係的覺察與調整經驗。期待以女性的視角,呈現受訪者所感知身心狀態之經驗。 研究方法採用質性研究,邀請40歲以上的中年女性,親密關係持續進展中,且時間達五年以上者參與研究。研究參與者共有四位,年齡範圍自四十五歲至五十四歲,親密關係持續達十四年至二十六年。研究者採半結構訪談方式,以敘事取向做為資料蒐集及分析的方法,依據「整體-內容」模式進行分析,期盼提供當事人親密關係經驗之覺察與洞見,提供實務工作者參考之視野。 透過受訪者描述親密關係中看見的自己,探討親密關係之整體發展,從初期滿懷期待到面對婆家介入干擾,及後續現實生活考驗,最終轉回到「跟自我相遇」的經歷。四位受訪者透過不同的方式,發現具有彈性與創造力之生命視野。一、認知結構的調整(一)解除「認同」帶來的框架﹔(二)看見存在主義四大主題﹔(三)生命靈性轉化的視野﹔二、開展無限可能的生活實驗(一)把光亮帶進關係、黑暗自動潰散(二)回到自己、回到此時此刻(三)為自己的「置身所在」負責。 This study aims at exploring the experiences on awareness and adjustment of intimate relationship of middle-age females via the perspective of gestalt approach, hoping to present the experiences of the interviewed samples' sensing their physical and mental situations from the viewpoints of females. A qualitative research was adopted as a study approach, inviting middle-age females over forty years old with continuously developing intimate relationship over five years to participate the study. Four females aged from forty-five to fifty-four with intimate relationship lasting from fourteen to twenty-six years took part in this research. The researcher adopted a semi-structure interview with narrative orientation as a method for data collecting and analyzing, following the procedure of "overall—content" for data analysis and expecting to provide the parties involved with awareness and insight on the experiences of intimate relationship for the vision of practical workers' reference. During the interviews, the samples saw themselves when describing their intimate relationship and recalling their overall developments of intimate relationship—the experience from holding expectation in the beginning till the interferences came from husbands' families then to the tests in the real life followed and turned back to "meeting with myself" at the end. The four samples found their own flexible and creative life visions through different ways. 1. Realizing structural adjustments: (1) released the frame of "identity" (2) viewed the four themes of Existentialism (3) obtained the vision of spiritual transformation of life. 2. Started life experiments of unlimited possibility: (1) brought light into the relationship to automatically collapse darkness (2) backed to self and returned to the presence (3) be responsible for "where you are".