如今,外部商業環境變得波動,不確定,複雜和模糊(VUCA)。Y世代是一個統治勞動力的年齡組,他們也需要在這個變化的世界中建立自己的職業生涯。因此,Y一代被認為是維持的關鍵目標,因為它們是全球勞動力的保存和存在。 在這方面,這篇理論論文提出了一個探索結構,將Ajzen(1991)的安排行為假設擴展到計劃行為理論,考慮千禧年時代的進取目標。本研究旨在建立一個更全面的框架,以解釋企業家教育,企業的自我創業意圖與行為。 本研究的結果揭示了企業家的教育,自我效能與企業間意向之間的溫和關係,這在過去的研究中通常被忽略。 Nowadays, the external business environment became volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). Generation Y is consider as the key target to maintain because they are preservation and existence to the workforce in global. In that capacity, this theoretical paper proposed an exploration structure by expanding Ajzen's (1991) hypothesis of arranged conduct Theory of planned behavior to consider enterprising goal among millennial age. This study seeks to develop a more comprehensive framework to explain the relationship between enterprenuership education, enterprenuership self- efficacy enterprenuerial intention and behavior. The findings of this study revealed a positive relation among Enterprenuership education, enterprenuerial self-efficancy, and enterprenuerial intention and entrepreneurial behavior which were usually ignored in the past researches.