現代社會步調緊湊,形成高壓力、高張力生活環境,或多或少在許多人心中形成一股壓力,為能排解壓力,休閒活動的規劃越來越備受重視。對我國現役軍人而言,前述壓力更不在話下,然而我國軍部隊訓練以駐地防禦為主,故現役軍人缺乏個人自由與休閒時間。本研究主要在探討國軍人員對於休閒參與需求與阻礙之因素,由於國軍任務繁複,除年度各項戰備演訓任務外,於災難救助場合更是視同戰場,職業軍人無疑是身兼多重壓力的群體,故國防部在配合政府政策下,頒布許多休假配套措施,便是希望我國軍同仁妥善運用,多給予自己紓壓的空間。 研究對象以三軍同駐營區單位現役軍人為主,採質性訪談,目的為能透過訪問資深同仁長年軍旅經驗,分享並了解國軍人員休閒參與需求與阻礙因素,輔以相關文獻研究分析,歸納出現役人員對於休閒阻礙之因素以「任務」居多,而部分受訪人員於單位任職業參,常因上級單位臨時任務或主管對於任務理解程度落差、單位企圖,造成人員雖有排休,但仍因「責任制度」,被迫取消或延宕,如此因素在本研究受訪對象應答時,均表示此為主要阻礙因素,其次則為「年資」、「金錢」、「婚姻狀況」等影響,基此歸納結論研擬建議,供國軍各單位規劃妥善休閒方案,提升人員精神戰力。 This research is mainly to explore the factors that hinder National Military personnel's need for leisure participation and Constraint. Due to the complex battle field tasks of the National Army and annual combat readiness training tasks, as well as the requirement to perform disaster relief in emergencies, professional soldiers are undoubtedly a group with pressure and requirements for multiple stress factors. The research object examined is mainly the full-time active duty military personnel from active Army Units. The interviews are qualitative. The purpose is to be able to share and understand the National Military personnel's leisure participation requirements and constraints by interviewing senior colleague's long-term military experience. When responding to this study, all factors indicated this as the "most common obstacle", followed by the "seniority", "financial " and "marital status", Based on this information, the conclusions are drawn up and proposed for all units of the National Army to implement a proper leisure plan, as well as improve personnel's mental strength.