本研究應用典型相關分析探討遊客旅遊購物的心流體驗與幸福感之關係。研究發現: (1)兩變項之間存在兩對典型相關組合;第一對顯示心流體驗中的「購物過程」及「購物結果」構面與幸福感的「生活滿意」、「身心健康」、「自我肯定」、「人際關係」、「樂趣享受」與「正向情感」等構面呈高度正相關,第二對顯示心流體驗的「購物過程」構面與幸福感的「自我肯定」構面呈正相關,但解釋力極弱。 (2)不同背景遊客的心流體驗與幸福感皆呈現部分顯著差異。 The method to the research on the relationship between the tourist's Flow Experience and Well-being is canonical correlation analysis. The results to this research were as followed: 1.There are two canonical correlational combinations in two variables. The first combination reveals the highly positive correlation, the highest variance between two aspects of Flow Experience, the shopping process, the shopping of experience and six aspects of Well-being, the life satisfaction, the physical and mental health, the self-affirmation, the interpersonal relationship, the enjoyment, the positive emotion. The second combination reveals the positive correlation, but the low variance between one aspect of Flow Experience , the shopping process and one aspect of Well-being, the self-affirmation. 2.The tourist's Flow Experience and Well-being were significantly different, assume part of different demographic background variables is valid.