本研究選定永安漁港、白沙岬燈塔、綠色隧道、草漯沙丘、觀新藻礁、甘泉寺等6個地點,透過搜集遊客於部落格、網誌等抒發旅遊觀感的文字資料,透過文字探勘技術進行整理,借以分析各景點的旅遊意象、體驗價值。 經過分析可得知一般遊客對於本研究標的的旅遊意象及體驗價值如下:一、永安漁港:假日適合到此一遊,可以觀賞美麗海景並吃到美味的海鮮,靠近綠色隧道可搭配一日遊行程。二、白沙岬燈塔:遊客對二次世界大戰遺留下來的防空洞印象深刻,對園區內陳列的古文物多有著墨,園區內的公廁造型是大家最喜歡拍照的地方,但對於年久失修的外牆感到可惜。三、綠色隧道:遊客喜歡綠色隧道平坦且安全的道路環境,對於如夜市般的各類小吃十分驚喜,也認為在此騎車是消耗熱量的好選擇。四、草漯沙丘:普遍認為要找到確切的入口十分不容易,而且要爬上沙丘有點危險,但總是讚嘆景象特殊,也是拍照的好地點。五、觀新藻礁:到此的遊客普遍對於藻礁的生態有一定程度的了解,也深知環保問題造成藻礁的永久性破壞。六、甘泉寺:石觀音的發現是地名的由來,終年不絕且充滿神蹟的甘泉井造就寺廟香火鼎盛,廟內的富麗堂皇已不是古樸的廟宇。 In this study, 6 sightseeing spots including Yongan Fishing Port, Baishajia Lighthouse, Green Tunnel, Coata Dune, Seashore of Guanyin and Xinwu and Ganquan Temple were selected to collect datas from tourism websites and blogs. By using Text Mining approach, we can now realize the general tourism images and experience values of the research spots are as follows: 1. Yongan Fishing Port: It is suitable for one day trip in holiday. You can enjoy not only the beautiful sea view that close to Green Tunnel, but also the delicious seafood.2. Baishajia Lighthouse: Tourists are impressed by the air-raid shelter that left over World War II and the other historical relics displayed in the park. The special shape of the public toilet in the park is the tourist photo hot-spot, but they think the out of repair exterior wall is a pity. 3. Green Tunnel: Green tunnel is a flat and safe road with various snacks stalls like the night market along the roadside. They think that cycling is a good choice for consuming calories after eating snacks.4. Caota Dune: They generally believed that it is not easy to find the exact entrance and also dangerous to climb up the dune. But, they think it is a special scenery and a good spot to take pictures.5. Seashore of Guanyin and Xinwu: Tourist could generally recognize issues about ecology and the possible damage to seashore by industrial pollution.6. Ganquan Temple: The discovery of ShiGuanyin is the origin of the place name. The incredibly endless GanQuan well has made the temple full of incense. Its magnificence is different from the past.