隨著網際網路的快速發展,可攜式行動裝置接受度的提升,眾多銀行業者也看準了行動商務的無限商機,紛紛投入設計自家的行動網路銀行軟體APP,提供客戶更貼心的服務,利用智慧型手機或平板電腦即可隨時隨地使用銀行所提供的帳戶查詢、轉帳、信用卡服務、基金服務、服務據點查詢等功能。本研究從消費者行為角度出發,探討消費者利用行動裝置使用銀行 APP 服務的影響因素,採用問卷收集研究資料,研究結果顯示,對於消費者之統計變數,女性或教育程度較高者的消費者使用銀行 APP 的機率較高;而個人月收入,則與消費者使用銀行 APP 較無關;在消費者使用銀行服務項目上,使用銀行台幣轉帳、帳務查詢、查詢信用卡消費紀錄的消費者,會使用銀行 APP 服務的機率較高。另外,需到銀行次數越多和完成交易時間越長的消費者,也會使用銀行 APP 服務的機率也較高。 In response to the rapid development of the Internet and the popularity of mobile devices, many bankers have targeted the unlimited business opportunities of mobile commerce and have invested in designing mobile banking APP to allow customers to conduct financial transactions remotely using a mobile device such as smartphone or tablet. The transaction provided by the APP includes the bank fund credit card account information, funds transfers, branches information, etc. This study explores the factors affecting consumers to use mobile banking APP from the perspective of consumer behavior. A questionnaire is used to collect data. In the aspect of the statistical variables of consumers, the result shows that women or those who have good education background are highly related to the usage of the mobile banking APP while the personal monthly income is less related. Regarding the way consumers access the Internet, the consumers who are accustomed to using the Wi-Fi and 4G mobile phone are more possible to use mobile banking APP. For the services provided by the mobile banking APP, those who often use funds transfers, obtaining account balance and credit card transaction detail will have a higher probability of using the mobile banking APP. Furthermore, those who need to go to the bank more often and who spend more time to complete the transaction will also tend to use mobile banking APP.