2013 年底時,中國大陸領導人習近平提出建構「絲綢之路經濟帶」與「21 世紀海上絲綢之路」的構想,希望透過與周邊國家共同建設此一巨型跨國區域經濟合作計畫,逐步擴大中國大陸與周邊國家的合作關係,其中,中國大陸提出建設六條國際經濟合作走廊,用以加強周邊經濟合作夥伴關係,而中俄蒙經濟走廊是為其中之一條。作為一帶一路戰略的重要組成部分,中俄蒙經濟走廊主要為了促進東北亞的中俄蒙三國的經濟發展,而維持中國北方的地緣安全也是其中一重要考量。本論文希望了解中蒙俄三國的關係及中國大陸「一帶一路」倡議目前的具體規劃,其次探究中俄蒙經濟走廊目前的規劃與執行情形,最後藉以分析中俄蒙走廊對蒙古所可能帶來的機遇與挑戰。 In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled the main components of what has since become known as the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR). In the OBOR, China has expressed her desire to build six core "economic corridors" linking the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road with the Euro-Asian partners for deepen cooperation and expand development in the Euro-Asia region. China's ambitious agenda has evoked a variety of reactions among governments throughout the regions about the geopolitical and economic intentions of the OBOR. The China-Russia-Mongolia Economic Corridor is one of the six corridors China has planned to establish within the framework of OBOR Initiative and it is considered to be significant because for the last 20 years not only the economic cooperation within the Northeast Asian region has remained very low and cooperation has limited to bilateral cooperation, but the level of infrastructure in this region remained underdeveloped. Once this China-Russia-Mongolia Economic Corridor has been established, it would develop infrastructure connecting the three countries, especially railroad transportation networks and help the Northeast Asian region toward deepening economic integration. This study investigates the China-Russia-Mongolia economic corridor and analyzes its implications on Mongolia. First, this thesis gives a broad overview on relations among the three countries and the content of the Chinese OBOR Initiative. Secondly, it investigate the importance of the China-Russia-Mongolia Economic Corridor and its current development. Finally, this paper provides an analysis on the opportunities and challenges of the China-Russia-Mongolia Economic Corridor and its implications on Mongolia