中國大陸推動「一帶一路」迄今已超過五年,其「絲綢之路經濟帶」(一帶)與「21世紀海上絲綢之路」(一路)的地理範疇涵蓋歐亞大陸以至周邊地區,透過和沿線國家及地區發展新的經濟合作夥伴關係,加強沿路的基礎設施的建設,中國得以獲享可觀的規模經濟與貿易商機,而為了使一帶一路倡議能夠付諸實現,中國後續也設立「絲路基金」、「亞洲基礎設施投資銀行」、「金磚國家新開發銀行」等輔助支持的區域金融機制,作為提供支持相關基礎設施建設資金的多邊開發機構。值得注意的是,中國一帶一路倡議的宏觀擘畫並非單純著眼於經濟層面的利益,其背後蘊含著龐大的地緣、政治、社會與文化的影響力,勢必衝擊與改變國際關係或全球政治經濟的發展。基於此,本論文希望了解中國大陸「一帶一路」倡議目前的具體規劃與實踐的問題點,其次探究中國大陸藉由帶路倡議所可能進行的戰略佈局與政治影響力的擴張,最後則分析帶路倡議在實施五年後的成效與參與國家的反應,以具體呈現中國大陸未來在推動「一帶一路」倡議上所可能面臨的機會與風險。 The 'Belt and Road Initiative' (BRI), first envisaged by the Chinese President, Xi Jinping in 2013, aims to create the infrastructure necessary to connect China to Europe, with the ultimate aim of creating a new Free Trade Area between China and Europe. It is an umbrella initiative spanning a multitude of projects designed to promote the flow of goods, investment, and people. To date, some BRI projects are already underway, and 138 countries and international organizations are involved in bringing its connectivity and infrastructure to fruition. Though, the BRI not only has the potential to yield considerable economic and political gains but also increases geopolitical and strategic interests for China. In order to understand how the BRI advances China's interests, this thesis tries to explore the reasons of origin and content of the BRI. Secondly, it intends to discuss the difficulties China faced when putting the Belt and Road Initiative into practice. Finally, it analyzes the risks and challenges associated to BRI's initiative implementation.