本文嘗試各方面論述「《周易》用世思想之研究」,及其不易現蹤之各種獨特用世跡象,勾勒其哲學智慧與關鍵知識的價值,企圖揭啟「用世」渠道中的各種微妙人性,若得善用於日常之中,亦能實用防患於未然,祥和自在。文中也并合孔聖所言之「聖人之道」,為本文之論述核心概念,進而探討《周易》之「用世」的整全民生思想,並肯定在「用世」的過程中引述動微之「幾」者,確為《周易》用世之不可或缺之精神指標。 本文亦循序探討在《周易》用世思想之內涵:貞之于太極,貞之于憂患,貞之于聖道,三者之中依序論述《周易》之用世思想是有跡可循、天人合德的,並依此人類探索未來的需求意識,再論證「知幾」的智慧,藉以參研因應民生,祈與作易者用世之心不謀而合,在此筆者將盡力提供應有的把握。 《周易》用世思想之變化最為實惠並耐人尋味,伴隨著宇宙時空背景間,在你我他,以及各類芸芸眾生之中,氤氳而生已然由來已久。寂然不動卻能萬物不遺,道濟天下,故筆者以廣納百川之心,不論門戶,客觀的探賾索引,綜合《周易》用世廣被眾生珍貴之處,謹就「用世」思想之實踐功夫,分析其效益知識價值,略分為三個重要介面,嘗以稱名為:一、用世在於明理,二、用世在於知幾,三、用世在於應變,逐步進行研究,此三者可分可合,分則顯而易懂,合則間隙難定,撲朔迷離,各有特色。文中將依其出現現象順序,假以階段式的特質,提出參研之論證說明。再回顧用世內涵與實踐之因果關係;同時也在知幾的實務面向上做未雨綢繆之呼應。筆者衷心祈盼藉此喚起學者,對《周易》用世煥然一新的觀念與興趣,日後進行更多的用世詮釋活動而廣被眾生。 This study attempted to clarify the practical applications and the inconspicuous phenomena of Zhouyi, also to reveal the humanity that was hidden in the applications. People could take precaution by applying Zhouyi properly in daily life. “The way of the sage” was regarded as the core concept to discuss how Zhouyi fulfill the livelihood of people. The researcher indicated that “幾” (the signs) is an indispensable element in the practical applications of Zhouyi. The research sequentially discussed the significances of the application of Zhouyi as following, which are traceable and ethical. Genuinely ask about Tai chi, genuinely ask about apprehension, and genuinely ask about the way of the sage. Not only to explore the future requirements of human beings and to demonstrate the wisdom of “幾”, the researcher also hope to apply Zhouyi to the society from the same aspect of the author of Zhouyi. The transforming of the philosophy of Zhouyi is thought-provoking and eternal. To study the value of the application of Zhouyi, the researcher conducted three aspects, (1.) Applied Zhouyi in daily life to elaborate the logical patterns of it, (2.) Applied Zhouyi in daily life to elaborate the signs of it, (3.) Applied Zhouyi in daily life to elaborate the flexible responses toward the signs. This research provided several examples of demonstration and analyzed the causality between the significances and the applications of Zhouyi. Finally, the result of the research is to arouse the interests in Zhouyi of people, and to inspire people looking at the alternative aspects of Zhouyi.