本研究旨在探討三位成年男同志兒時目睹婚姻暴力的過程與情緒經驗,以及成年後與男同志伴侶在衝突的情緒經驗、兒時目睹婚姻暴力經驗與男同志伴侶衝突因應方式的關聯與反思。本研究採取質性研究取向,以「深度訪談法」進行研究,並採用「主題分析法」整理、歸納及分析文本資料。研究發現如下: 一、施暴者的施暴樣貌呈現漸進式的暴力,受暴者因應不同的暴力程度、情境而選擇留下或逃離,二者間的暴力過程並非線性的推演,目睹這一切的孩童,其感受皆為負向情緒,以恐懼、無力、不捨為主。 二、回到伴侶相處的互動,並顧及兒時經驗的脈絡,再進一步的探究衝突當下的經驗,三者的連結,亦可更貼近兒時目睹婚姻暴力的成年男同志在衝突中的情緒經驗。 三、成年男同志受目睹經驗的影響,在衝突中以不重蹈覆轍為主要動機,避免行為上造成衝突的加劇,並以冷暴力等非肢體的行為來達到目的,進而調節關係權力位置。 四、目睹經驗與衝突經驗的反思,一方面可以重新理解過去目睹的傷害並且賦予意義,另一方面在伴侶衝突中也能更彈性的因應,同時亦是影響其在伴侶的權力運作中,更加的強調彼此平等的因素之一。 最後研究者依據研究結果提出建議,以提供實務工作者及未來研究兩方面之參考。 This study aims to explore the process and emotional experience of three adult gay's men witnessing marital violence in childhood, Emotional experience of conflict with gay partners in adulthood And Reflections of Childhood Witnessing the Relationship Marriage Violence and adult male homosexual couples Conflicts experience. Adopt qualitative research orientation, conduct research with “in-depth interview method”, and use “theme analysis method” to organize, summarize and analyze text data. The study found the following: 1.The process of marital violence can be divided into categories but different, and the emotional experience of children's visual perspective is mainly negative. 2.Witnessing experience affects the emotions of a partner's conflict, but it is not the only factor, and the impact of conflict experience must also be considered. 3.with the main motivation of not repeating the experience of witnessing childhood, trying to choose a way to avoid conflict in partner conflict. 4.From the reflection of witnessing parental marital violence and gender, see the harm in the operation of power, Further is sensitive to the conflicting power relationship of the partner and adjusts its response.