智慧型手機功能與日俱增,便利性讓許多人日趨依賴。行動支付熱潮隨智慧型手機普遍化與功能多樣化而興起,為邁向智慧型國家,台灣朝2025年行動支付普及率達9成目標前進。台電為響應政府政策,於107年7月起推廣使用行動支付繳納電費。 本研究旨在探討台電用戶使用行動支付繳納電費接受度,以簡易型科技接受模式為架構,加入創新抵制為調節變數,經單因子變異數分析及Scheffe事後分析比較,發現變數受不同年齡層、居住地區及教育程度影響;再者,階層迴歸分析可見價值障礙對變數間產生調節作用顯著,多數人價值認知上,使用行動支付並不會帶來更大效益。故建議台電可不定期透過行動支付繳納電費減免優惠方案,使多數用戶採用新型態支付行為模式。 The increasing number of smartphone functions has made them convenient to use and people more reliant on smartphones. Such increases and the prevalence of smartphones have given rise to mobile payment. To become a “smart country,” Taiwan sets a mobile payment penetration rate of 90% as its goal for 2025. To support such a goal, the Taiwan Power Company began promoting the use of mobile money to pay for electricity bills in July 2018. This study investigated Taiwan Power Company customers' acceptance of using mobile money to pay their electricity bills. A simple technology acceptance model was employed as the basic framework; innovation resistance was set as the moderating variable; and one-way analysis of variance and Scheffe's post-hoc tests were conducted, in which the results showed that the variables were affected by age, location of residence, and education level. Additionally, hierarchical regression analysis results showed that value barriers significantly moderated the effects of the various variables on customers' acceptance of using mobile payment. In terms of the customer perception, most believed that the use of mobile money to pay electricity bills presented little benefits. Therefore, this study recommends that the Taiwan Power Company periodically introduce discount offers for customers who pay their electricity bills by using mobile money to encourage them to switch to the method of mobile payment.