兒少安置機構常被形容是兒少保護體系裡的最後一道防線,收容原生家庭失功能的兒童及少年,亦即在家庭內無法獲得安全照顧與健全的發展,此時替代性的服務即成為一種必要的福利服務資源;而在機構內的專業人員,亦為主要照顧者便成為兒少的「替代性父母」,其中研究者所擔任的生活輔導員便是其中的一種,另外尚有保育員與保母。生活輔導員在工作場域中經常需要與服務對象密切且頻繁的接觸互動,有時還必須同時處理及解決許多突發的狀況,工作現場可說是相當具有挑戰性且需要的是獨當一面的勇氣。 本研究以「自我敘說」的方式切入,旨在藉由研究者自身經驗本質的呈現,闡述於2006至2009年這4年工作期間在兒少安置機構中所累積的工作經驗與生命交會故事。本研究主要的目的為透過自身的生命交會歷程,再次認識自我與對這份工作的意義;就其經驗再現的詮釋呈現出與安置個案互動的日常及身為主要照顧者工作的樣態;及其在工作情境中展現的工作適應與壓力因應策略,分為個人與環境兩方面,個人方面會以「情緒調適」為主,試圖平衡負向的情緒,同時也要尋求情緒上的支持;環境方面選擇以適應組織的運作後再慢慢調整自身的工作步調與改變工作方式,主動積極回應環境的期待與要求,也期許能幫助有意投入兒少福利服務這個領域的伙伴,對安置機構的生態環境有一個初步的認識與了解,又或者正在擔任此角色的專業人員提高對工作的認同感與自我價值。 Children and youth placement agencies are often described as the last line of defense in the child protection system, accommodating children and adolescents whose families of orientation are dysfunctional, and unable to provide safe care and sound development within the family. Under the circumstances, alternative services become essential resources of welfare service. Living care assistant in the institutions, who also serve as primary caretakers of those children, will become their “alternative parents.” In the workplace, living care assistant often have to interact closely and frequently with their clients, and sometimes they have to solve many problems in unexpected situations at the same time. This study uses a “self-narrative” approach in order to present the nature of the researcher's own work experiences and placement cases of daily interactions with the children in the children and youth placement agencies during the four years of work from 2006 to 2009. The personal cases will focus on “emotional adjustment”, trying to balance negative emotions and seek emotional support. As for the environmental factors, this research chooses to adapt to the operation of the organization and then slowly adjust their work pace and change their work style. It is also expected to help those who are interested in the field of child welfare services to gain a preliminary understanding of the ecological environment of the placement agencies, or to enhance the sense of identity and self-worth of professionals who are currently in charge.