近代全球因為溫室效應,氣候環境變遷導致天然災害頻傳,為利永續發展,聯合國於西元2015年通過2030年永續發展議程,會中提出17項全球邁向永續發展的核心目標,作為國際間努力推動永續發展的指導方針,我國政府對應其中第13項之氣候行動,為避免人民生命傷亡、減少財產損失,因此實施之各種災害防救演習,本研究以嘉義縣轄內竹崎鄉和平村社區為對象,探討各層級災害防救演習對參演關係人之影響及產生之效果,先針對災害防救演習執行的現況進行分析,再透過對政府各級參演機關、專家、學者及社區關係人進行訪談,發現現行災害防救演習應提升災害防救指揮體系位階,有效的從縱向及橫向的整合各參加演習單位,統合演習所需資源,另外演習應提升至實地、實景、無預警、無腳本的演習形式,且改變舊有演習檢核方式,如此方能真正落實演習應有之效能。 In recent years, natural disasters have frequently struck everywhere due to the climate and environmental change caused by the greenhouse effect. For the sake of sustainable development, the United Nations launched the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015. 17 goals for global sustainable development were adopted as the guidelines for promoting sustainable development. According to the goal 13, climate action, our government implements various disaster prevention and rescue exercise to avoid casualties and reduce property damage. The purpose of this research was to identify the effects of various disaster prevention and rescue exercise on participants at all levels. The study was based on the case of Heping Village of Zhuqi Township in Chiayi County. First, the researcher analyzed the current situation of the implementation of disaster prevention and rescue exercise. Then, several interviews with participating agencies, experts, scholars and stakeholders were adopted. Finally, the results revealed that the current disaster prevention and rescue exercise should be improved in several ways. The government should put more emphasis on the chain of command in the disaster prevention and rescue exercise, vertical and horizontal integration of the participating departments, and the merging of the resources that the exercise requires. In addition, the exercise should be upgraded to a level that it is on-site and no early warning. Also, the old assessment system should be changed. If all the above proposals could be noticed and adopted by the government, the disaster prevention and rescue exercise would be truly effective.