護國神山近年來成為對台積電的美稱。尤其,在美中貿易戰開始,全球疫情導致晶片供應短缺,台積電業績更是水漲船高,甚至被認為是拒絕誘惑、根留台灣,抗中保台的典範。然而,台積電的成功,不僅是之前數個世代人努力的結晶,更也是在兩岸產業鏈之下而茁壯。本文主張,一般民眾其實不了解台積電的歷史與業務現況,才對台積電有了錯誤的想像,經過資訊的提供將可扭轉此一現象。對此,本文將以網路問卷調查加以驗證。 “The Savior of the Country” has become a way to praise TSMC in recent years. In particular, as the US-China trade war started, the global epidemic has led to a shortage of chip supply, and TSMC's revenue has skyrocketed. However, TSMC's success is not only the result of the efforts of previous generations, but also thrives under the cross-strait supply chain. This article argues that the general public does not actually understand TSMC's history and current business situation, so they have a false imagination about TSMC. This phenomenon can be reversed through the provision of information. This article will test this argument by an internet questionnaire.