現今的社會充滿著急躁與不安,互相的猜忌與欺瞞為爭權奪利不擇手段的事件屢見不鮮,對物質的無盡追求,以及沉重的外在壓力,使得人心的空洞逐漸增大,在無限的痛苦掙扎後只剩一具空殼。 本研究以當代水墨為媒材,透過「禪」作為發想,利用文獻分析法、圖像研究法探討日本美學、超現實主義等概念,搭配行動研究法及品質思考法從「日常」找尋創作靈感,以水墨創作的方式呈現出「禪」在「當下」與「瞬間」的美感,讓觀者在觀賞的過程中,喚起內心的共鳴,使心靈回歸平凡達到療癒的效果。 本創作論述經研究梳理與創作實驗後,整理出以下幾點結論:一、藝術傳達了視覺的禪意境。二、藝術是人生的療癒帖方。三、藝術與禪都是日常的修行。 The society today is full of impatience and uneasiness, it is not uncommon to see the suspicion and the deception between each other, and whatever those people do is just for the power and the profit. The bottomless material desire and the heavy external stress make the inanity inside the heart become larger and larger, and little by little, it would be only an empty shell remain there after the incessant painful struggle. This paper has used the contemporary ink as the media, and imagined out of “Zen.” Explore Japanese aesthetics and Surrealism by using document analysis and iconographic analysis, and hunt for the afflatus by action research and quality thinking method from “daily” life. Represent the beauty of “Zen” in “present” and in “instant” by ink painting in purpose of touching the viewer’s hearts during their viewing. Make their hearts back to normal so as to heal these hearts. The conclusions below are sorted out after the investigation and the experiments of creative works:I. Art conveys the visual artistic conception of “Zen.”II. Art is a medicine for curing in life.III. Both art and Zen are daily practices.