事件旅遊是國內外發展及促銷目的地觀光旅遊常見的策略,過去研究較少結合體驗的觀點去衡量事件,本研究即試圖瞭解事件旅遊者的動機,活動之體驗品質、滿意度及行爲意向的情形。本研究以參與「2004府城七夕國際藝術節」遊客爲對象,於民國九十三年八月十五日至八月二十九日在活動現場進行便利抽樣問卷調查,共得有效問卷爲237份。研究結果顯示,受訪遊客參與動機經因素分析萃取而得「文化探索」、「家庭互動」、「事件吸引」、「社交」、「逃離」、「追求新奇」等六項。事件體驗品質之評價高低則依序爲感官、關聯、思考、行動、情感。在整體滿意度及行爲意向上顯示中度同意。另外「文化探索」動機爲唯一對事件整體滿意度具正向顯著影響者,意謂文化藝術事件中,要充分掌握此類型之動機遊客。而影響遊客之事後行爲意向主要取決於遊客對事件之整體滿意度。 Event tourism has been a common strategy for destination development and promotion adopted by not only the foreign but also domestic tourism authorities. The issue of the effect of experience quality on event tourism was important but neglected. This study aims to explore the relationship between the motivation, experience quality, satisfaction and behavior intention for visitors participating ”the 2004 Tainan International Chihsi Arts Festival” held from August 15 to August 29, 2004 by the Tainan City Government. A total of 237 effective samples via on-site convenient sampling were obtained. The results reveal that six motivation factors were ”the culture exploration”, ”family interaction”, ”event attraction”, ”social intercourse”, ”escape” and ”pursue the unusual” extracted and named from the factor analysis. The dimensions of perceived experience quality ranked by the visitors are sense, relation, think, action, feel in a descending order. The medium degree of overall satisfaction and behavior intentions were evaluated. In addition, ”culture exploration” motivation is the only one factor affecting visitor's overall satisfactions and behavior intentions significantly.