科技時代的進步,消費者對於智慧型手機的特性越有要求,越注重智慧型手機的品牌形象,種種的因素影響購買意願。然而手機的普及化,消費者對於智慧型手機的產品特性之需求更是不可或缺的。本研究探討智慧型手機之產品特性、品牌形象、網路口碑與購買意願之影響並分析369分有效問卷,分析結果發現:一、產品特性對購買意願有顯著正向影響;二、產品特性對網路口碑有顯著正向影響;三、網路口碑對購買意願有顯著正向影響;四、品牌形象對購買意願有顯著正向影響;五、產品特性與購買意願間,網路口碑存在中介效果;六、品牌形象與購買意願間,網路口碑不存在干擾效果。 Technology promotes the continuous progress of the times,consumers have more requirements for the characteristics of smart phones and pay more attention to the brand image of smart phones. Various factors affect their willingness to buy. This research analyzed 369 valid questionnaires, and the results of the analysis found that: 1. Product characteristics have a significant positive impact on purchase expectations; 2. Product characteristics have a significant positive effect on Internet word of mouth; 3. Internet word of mouth has a significant positive effect on purchase intention; 4.The brand image has a significant positive impact on purchase expectations; 5. There is an intermediary effect between product characteristics and purchase intentions, and there is an intermediary effect on Internet word-of-mouth; 6.there is no interference between brand image and purchase intentions effect.