在未來全球航空產業仍將持續成長下,我國航空改裝業的發展仍面臨重重困難。本研究針對航空改裝業代表性專家與相關學者進行深度訪談,訪談內容運用限制理論,嘗試找出台灣航空改裝產業發展的限制,並藉以尋求解決之道。綜合11位專家與學者的看法,並以限制理論推導出我國航空改裝業的五個邏輯樹圖。研究結果發現,國家政策與改裝技術問題為產業發展的主要兩大限制,本研究因此提出專業人才與專責機構、航空公司整合、施工流程、促進廠商合作等促進方案。最後期盼能在政府主導的基礎下,透過培養工程人員、廣設世界廠房與併購外商等方法,改善產業投資環境,提高航空改裝業者投資意願。 While the global aviation industry will continue to grow in the future, the development of Taiwan's aviation modification industry is still facing a lot of difficulties. In this study, we conducted in-depth interviews with representative experts and related scholars in the aviation modification industry, and applied the theory of constraints to identify the constraints that hinder the development of Taiwan's aviation modification industry and find solutions. This study integrates the views of 11 experts and scholars, and deduces the five logic tree diagrams of the aviation modification industry by using Theory of Constraints. This study found that national policy and modification technology are the two major constraints to the development of the industry. Therefore, this study proposes the promotion of professional and specialized organizations, airline integration, construction process, and cooperation among manufacturers. Finally, it is hoped that the government-led approach, such as training of engineering personnel, establishment of global plants, and mergers and acquisitions of foreign companies, will improve the investment environment for the industry and increase the willingness of the aviation modification industry to invest.