小吃代表一種最樸實的庶民文化,同時也展現地方特色與歷史,不僅帶給遊客獨特的感官體驗,也具有無形的情感價值,但此種吸引力卻常被忽略。因此,本研究嘗試從消費者觀點,以方法目的鏈模型(means-end chain)探索三十年以上傳統小吃在遊客心目中的價值,同時以一對一深度訪談五十位遊客,引導他們說出對於傳統小吃的體驗,進而從中探究遊客對於傳統小吃的認知、情感與價值。研究結果發現,遊客認爲傳統小吃具有「美味」、「懷舊」、「滿足」、「堅持」與「傳承」等核心價值,形成這些價值的原因來自「真材實料」、「古早味」、「地方特產」、「歷史悠久」、「名聲遠播」等小吃特性,而這些特性讓遊客產生的內心感覺有單純的慕名而去、也有爲了感受地方的獨特性、或因爲喜歡或常去而形成的地方情感、甚至形成非他不可的執著感。 Snacks are a sincere expression of local culture, and serve to call attention to a locale's history and special features. Providing tourists with a unique sensory experience, snacks have an intangible emotional value, but their attractive power has largely been overlooked. Thus, adopting the perspective of the consumer behavior, this research utilized the means-end chain model to explore the value of traditional snacks to tourists. One-on-one interviews were conducted with 50 tourists, focusing on the attributes, consequences and values regarding traditional snacks. The results of the research show that the main factors influencing the value of traditional snacks to tourists include delicious taste, the ability to give rise to nostalgia and satisfaction, and their association with the handing on of tradition. Moreover, it was found that these values are based on such factors as genuine ingredients, traditional flavors, local specialty products, history, and reputation. The impression generated by these factors then gives rise to the desire to visit the place associated with a particular snack in order to experience the special features of the locale; a good experience or repeated visits may even result in a strong attachment to a particular place.