本研究檢視以男性爲觀視主體的A片對當代女性的性實踐有何意涵,及女性閱聽人有何特殊的解讀與消費方式。本研究採取質化閱聽人研究取向,深度訪談八位女性。研究發現,某種程度而言,A片之於女性和男性一樣,具有提供性知識、技巧及增進性事情趣的作用。而有無性愛的體驗則影響女性對A片的解讀與對文本類型的偏好;對尚無性經驗的女性而言,真人版A片貼近真實,易於體會及揣摩而有助情慾的解放;而對已經有過性經驗的女性而言,卡通A片的劇情多變,富於想像空間,能滿足現實生活中無法達到的性歡愉。另外,有經驗的女性會將自身性愛經驗與真人A片文本相比較而認定A 片的性操演與真實出入太大,因而對其強烈批判。作爲一種文化產物,A片對女性發展主體性及能動力所可能帶來的效應,值得女性主義者進一步地探索。 The study explored how women interpret their adult movie viewing. Pornography has long been blamed to materialize and depreciate women. Adult movies however provide knowledge and skills about sex to female viewers, and work as a sexual stimulator. With in-depth interviews, the study shows that women who have never had sex prefer real-person adult movie, while women have already had sex like adult cartoons. The former considered the real person adult movies vivid, virtual and easy to practice, and they consider the sexual intercourse in the movie as real. The latter then claimed that the various plots of adult cartoons enhance sexual imagination and offer them more sexual pleasure.