本研究旨在探究國內五專幼兒保育科學生的多元文化素養情形,尤其在修習多元文化教育課程後,對其多元文化素養有何影響。本研究採分層叢集抽樣方法,分別抽取北、中、南部各1 所專科學校幼兒保育科一至五年級共643 人為研究樣本,經由「五專幼兒保育科課程與教學意見調查問卷」之研究工具進行施測,採用描述性統計與單因子變異數分析驗證研究假設。本研究結果顯示五專幼兒保育科學生,在修習多元文化教育課程期間及修習多元文化教育課程後,對其多元文化素養之認知、情境及技能等三面向均產生正面效益。 The primary purposes of the study were to investigate the effects of Five-Year college students’ multicultural competence after studied the Multicultural Education Course. A group of 643 college students were selected from Department of Childhood Care and Education in Taiwan as the subjects. According the questionares survey, the datas were analyzed by descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The results indicated that students produce positive benefits of multicultural competence on the three aspects of cognition, attitudes and skills between and after studied the Multicultural Education Course.