摘要: | 本研究主要目的在探究親密關係療癒經驗之敘事研究,研究對象為一位薩提爾模式成長工作坊的成員,以深度訪談方式蒐集資料,並以敘說研究中之「整體--內容」進行分析法做為產生文本的方式。研究結果發現研究參與者親密關係療癒歷程中分為三個階段,為18歲之前、19-52歲之間,以及52歲遇到Satir之後。結果如下:第一階段18歲之前,因母親的情感忽略,形塑研究參與者的負向自我概念及低自我價值,她孤單地成長,培養出獨立、不相信人、缺乏安全感的人格特質;第二階段19-52歲之間,歷經同學的背叛、早婚、年輕喪偶、寡婦懷孕、被迫離職、三角關係的拉扯…顛沛流離,在黑暗中掙扎;第三階段為52歲遇到Satir之後,藉由參與工作坊,學習薩提爾模式(Satir model)各種工具及技巧,如:冰山理論、溝通姿態、家庭圖、家庭重塑…等,研究參與者探索原生家庭成長經驗對她的影響,進而重新接納自己、珍賞自己,從不一致的自我走向一致性的自我狀態,經歷「第三度誕生」,帶來靈性的成長,重新為自己的生命做決定,為自己負起責任,親密關係得著療癒,成為一個更真實、成熟與完整的人。最後,根據本研究結果加以討論,提出對實務工作者相關之建議。 This research aims to explore the healing experience in intimate relationship of a group member of the growth workshop guided by Satir Model. The researcher conducted an in-depth interview with a group member, analyzed the narratives with holist-content reading, and presented the entire psychological process as the text.The results of this research indicate that there are three stages in the research participant's healing experiences: 1. before 18-year-old, 2. between 19~52-year-old, and 3. after 52-year-old, taking part in Satir Model workshop. In the first stage, owing to her mother’s childhood emotional neglect, she acknowledged how her early growth experience shaped her negative self-concept, low self-esteem and cultivated her independent, lack-of-safety personalities. In the second stage, she struggled throughout betray from classmates, early marriage, young widow, widow pregnancy, being forced to quit from job and triangle relationship, as if wandering about dark forest. In the third stage, after she took part in Satir Model workshop, she began to develop from an inconsistent to a consistent self-state and layer by layer, via the useful skills of Satir Model, such as iceberg theory, family maps, family reconstruction, etc., not only to reaccept, highly value and appreciate herself and enhance her self-esteem, but also remade new decisions and be able to be accountable for her life. She got healing experiences from a spiritual growth, a rebirth (the third birth) from intimate relationship, and learned to become a genuine and whole person. The research results are further discussed and suggestions for practitioners are put forward. |