背景與目的:Covid-19造成全球性疫情嚴峻,使人類的生活模式大幅改變,人與人的交流多轉為e化,銀行保險通路服務對象多為中、高端客戶,關係維護需要面對面互動以建立的高度信賴關係,疫情當前,銀行保險從業人員的壓力、睡眠品質及健康問題值得關注。本研究目的旨在探討Covid-19疫情期間銀行保險從業人員壓力與睡眠品質的情況,藉由複方精油香氛扣的配戴與吸嗅,觀察芳香療法介入之成效。 材料及方法:研究對象為年齡25~60歲銀行保險從業人員共60名,性別不拘,實驗採二組平行前後測設計,受試者隨機分派至實驗組及對照組(waiting list control group),實驗組白天以A複方精油(佛手柑及大西洋雪松)香氛扣配戴口罩上至少4小時,晚上則以B複方精油(甜橙及真正薰衣草)香氛扣置於習慣入睡方向的枕頭套上至少6小時,連續10天。評估工具為職業壓力指標第二版(Occupational Stress Indicator, OSI-2)與中文版匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(Chinese version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, CPSQI)。 結果:共計60位受試者完成實驗,兩組受試者在基本資料的分佈屬於同質。成對樣本t檢定分析組內差異,在職業壓力指標量表部分,實驗介入前後,兩組總分均未達統計顯著的差異。在匹茲堡睡眠品質量表部分,實驗介入前後,實驗組總分有顯著差異(p < 0.05 ),此外在分量表中「自我評估表」、「睡眠潛伏期」、「習慣性睡眠效率」、「日間精神狀態」,以上四部份皆有顯著的差異(p < 0.05 )。獨立樣本t檢定分析組間差異,在職業壓力指標量表部分,前測二組並無顯著差異,但後測結果則在分量表之「人際關係」中,二組有顯著的差異 (p < 0.05)。匹茲堡睡眠品質量表部分,前測結果二組並無顯著差異,但後測結果二組則有顯著的差異 (p < 0.05),同時在分量表之「自我評估表」兩組也有顯著的差異 (p < 0.05)。以變化量百分比分析二組確診者之組間差異,在職業壓力指標量表部分,分量表中「工作負荷」、「人際關係」、「工作家庭平衡」、「組織氣氛」,二組有顯著的差異 (p < 0.05)。在匹茲堡睡眠品質量表部分,分量表中「自我評估表」、「日間精神狀態」,二組有顯著的差異(p < 0.05)。 結論:本研究結果顯示Covid-19疫情期間,複方精油介入對於銀行保險從業人員減緩工作壓力與改善睡眠品質皆有顯著效益。 Materials and Methods: The research subjects were 60 bancassurance practitioners aged 25-60 years old, regardless of gender. The experiment adopted a two-group parallel pre-and post-test design. The subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group wore a mask with the fragrance of “sample A” essential oil (Bergamot and Cedarwood Atlas) for at least 4 hours during the day, In the evening, place the “sample B” essential oil (Sweet Orange and True Lavender) fragrance button on the pillowcase in the direction they are used to sleeping for at least 6 hours, for 10 consecutive days. Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI-2) and Chinese version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (CPSQI) were used for the assessments. Result: The independent samples t-test was used to analyze the differences between groups. In OSI-2, there is a significant difference between the two groups in the post-test results in the subscale “Interpersonal relationship”. In CPSQI, there was a significant difference between the two groups in the post-test results, and there was also a significant difference between the two groups in the “self-assessment form” of the subscale. The difference between the two groups of diagnosed persons was analyzed by the percentage change. In OSI-2, there are significant differences in the above four items in the subscales of “work load”, “interpersonal relationship”, “work-family balance”, and “organizational climate”. In CPSQI, there were significant differences in the subscales of “Self-Assessment Scale” and “Daytime Mental State”. Conclusion: The results of this study show that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the intervention of blended essential oils has significant benefits for bancassurance practitioners in alleviating work stress and improving sleep quality. It can be seen that aromatherapy is the most simple and effective natural therapy.