日本福島核災後德國核能政策急速翻轉,梅克爾決定2022年全面廢核,並由再生能源取代。本文就德國在梅克爾及蕭茲執政時期能源決策發展歷程加以探討,尤其是是蕭茲面臨俄烏戰爭後,俄羅斯以能源作為武器威脅歐洲甚至全世界,蕭茲能否帶領歐洲對抗俄羅斯度過2023年,值得觀察研究。其次就德國風能及太陽能發展歷程決策說明,然後就廢核後產生的電費高漲影響及鉅額賠償,德國如何因應加以探討,最後德國政府決定廢除核能,卻適逢能源大國俄羅斯的斷氣威脅,能否挺得過完成廢核目標,值得繼續觀察。 After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, Germany's nuclear energy policy was reversed rapidly. Merkel decided to completely abolish nuclear energy in 2022 and replace it with renewable energy. This article discusses the development process of Germany's energy decision-making during Merkel and Scholz's administration, especially after Scholz faced the Russia-Ukraine War, Russia used energy as a weapon to threaten Europe and even the whole world. Can Scholz lead Europe against Russia? After the cold winter of 2022, it is worth observing and studying. Secondly, the decision-making process of the development of wind energy and solar energy in Germany is explained, and how Germany responds to the impact of high electricity costs and huge compensation after nuclear dismantling is discussed. The German government decided to abolish nuclear energy, but it coincided with the threat of cut-off energy from Russia, a major supplier energy country. Whether it can survive this cold winter is worth continuing to be observe.