本研究針對民視於2004 年至2006 年, 所播出的八點檔「鄉土劇」《意難忘》,在被央 視引進中國大陸市場後,引發收視熱潮的例子,來探討在媒體市場區域化之後,強調本 土文化色彩的文化商品,如何在不同的文化脈絡下被消費解讀;同時亦將探討強調本土 文化色彩的影視產業,應該採取何種策略,在強調區域化與全球化的文化生產脈絡中, 繼續生存營運。本研究將分為兩大部分,第一部份中以探究中國大陸觀眾與台灣觀眾, 對於「鄉土劇」的不同消費與詮釋,屬於對 閱聽人的「接收分析」;第二部分,則針對影視產業的經營策略,以深度訪談的方式, 進行瞭解。透過這兩部分的分析,將可以對於全球化/區域化下的媒體商業運作邏輯,與 強調本土化的文化生產,將會面臨何種緊張與矛盾的關係,加以探討,同時也可以理解 媒體產業會發展出何種策略,來處理這種衝突並繼續產業的運作。 This research project aims to explore how the Mainland Chinese audiences interpret and enjoy the 《Unforgetable》, the longest prime-time drama serial in Taiwan’s TV history which was exported to and aired in Mainland China by China’s CCTV , and unexpectedly gathered a huge fandom following. However, 《Unforgetable》belongs to a genre called Hsing-Tu-Ju, best known for its using Hokkien and emphasizing Taiwan nativism to appeal Taiwanese audiences specifically. The first part of this project is trying to answer the following questions: How can this show become a big hit in Mainland China? How did the Chinese audiences interpret this show and get pleasures from it? Another focus of this project attempts to analyze the operation strategy adopted by FTV to negotiate the dilemma of the unavoidable trend of media regionalization in the East Asia region and maintaining its pro-Taiwan nativism at the same time. FTV has a close relationship with Taiwan’s pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, which reflected in its TV programming such as the production of Hsing-Tu-Ju, which is especially underscoring the Taiwan nativism. But on the other hand, FTV just like any other Taiwan’s TV companies, which hopes to fulfill its commercialism by entering the immense Chinese media market. Using this case study, this project attempts to unravel the complicated confrontations between the global capitalism and localism in the cultural consumption and production.