受到後結構、後現代主義等思潮影響,尊重、包容多元、差異觀點,並給予每 一個社群發聲的空間,成為民主社會的重要訴求,而網路部落格似乎成為此種理想 的實踐場域之一。本研究經由分析部落格的母親經驗書寫,檢視其中所展演的母職 形象及所隱含的母職意涵,亦兼論母職實踐與女性主體性之間複雜的關連性,希望 藉由此種母親知識生產,能一窺台灣女性的母職經驗及其所賦予母職的主觀詮釋。 This study attempts to analyze the mothers’ writing regarding their mothering experience in the blogs. Mothers’ talks were often considered trivial and of no much importance under a patriarchal culture. The study is to see how mothers themselves represent their mothering practice and the images of mothers they perform in the blogs they run. Besides ,the intertwined relationships between motherhood and females’ subjectivity were also explored.