2002年國際吹起生態旅遊風潮,民間團體基於對內活絡行動力與對外維護國際形象的動機,舉辦一連串的活動,例如志工監測、工作假期、護沙洲、學術交流…等,為了喚起民眾對生態的認知與維持行動力。嘗試使用隱喻抽取技術(ZMET)是呼應地方性團體人士長期對生態保育議題關注,並運用視覺研究來獲取更多寶貴經驗。以分享討論方式進行,共同拼湊屬於七股的記憶,建立各方對話機制。讓受訪者透過參與,落實公民社會重要的一環,並能找尋地方治理與保育共識的可能。目前地方民間力量主要功能為:物種監測、棲地保護、解說推廣。同時,訪談發現出生態保育遇到了困境,並歸類出基礎調查、建立溝通平台與當地人力培訓三大未來努力方向。受訪者認為人的行為與環境需求是需要平等看待,看到七股現況更堅信自己的信念,個人成就感會影響到周遭朋友的關注;透過各方管道將保育訊息傳遞出去,讓更多人參與環境永續。 2002 International Eco-tourism trend of blowing, civil society groups active mobility based on internal and external motivation for the maintenance of international image, organized a series of activities such as volunteer monitoring, working holiday, nursing shoals, academic exchanges ... so, in order to arouse the people of ecological awareness and maintain mobility. Try ZMET (ZMET) is echoed those of local groups concerned about the long-term issues of conservation and the use of visual research to gain more valuable experience. Discuss ways to share and jointly put together is the memory of seven shares, the establishment of the parties to dialogue. Let the respondents through their participation, to implement an important part of civil society, and to find consensus on local governance and conservation potential. At present the major functions of local civil power: monitoring of species, habitat protection, interpretation promotion. Meanwhile, the interviews found that the difficulties encountered ecological conservation, and classified the baseline survey, the establishment of communication platforms and three major local manpower training effort in the future. Respondents considered that person's behavior and environmental needs is the need for equal treatment, see the status of Chiku more convinced that their own beliefs, personal accomplishment will affect the interest of friends around; conservation message through all channels to pass out, so that more participation in environmental sustainability.