二十一世紀初,文化創意產業的成長逐漸受到重視,為了有效促進文化創意產業之推動,許多歐美國家也陸續提出策略性的政策與工具,創意文化園區的設置便是重點策略之一。台灣亦藉由實體空間(五大園區預定地、其他創作基地、生產基地)與虛擬空間(網際網路的運用)的建立,以形成產業群落,並建立產業分工與跨領域整合的架構。然目前國內對於創意文化園區之相關研究中,缺乏對產業群聚效應作用之全面性探討,故本研究即是在產業群聚理論基礎下,利用標準化區位商數地理集中程度衡量方法,觀察台北華山創意文化園區影響週遭地區文化創意產業群聚之變化情形,並分析其群聚特性與聚落化程度之高低,藉以檢視「創意文化園區」此項工具是否確實達到其文化產業群聚之效果,以及對區域文化創意產業整體之發展影響。 At the beginning of 21st century, the development of the cultural and creative industries flourishes rapidly, and it becomes an overwhelming trend in the world. To promote the cultural and creative industries effectively, several developed countries have proposed related policies and programs. The authorities in Taiwan have also proposed cultural policy setting up essential space(includes five major Cultural & Creative Industry Park, other creating industry stations, and producing industry stations ) and virtual space(application in Internet) to form the industry clusters and integrate Cross-domain industries. However, referring to the studies on Cultural and Creative Industry Parks in Taiwan presently, it lacks for entire research of the industry clusters effect. Therefore, the article intends to use the statistics of “Industry, Commerce and Service Census” and analyze the industry clusters. Using the method of standardized location quotient to interpret the transform of the industry clusters conditions in Taipei City (the sites of Hua- Shan Cultural and Creative Industry Park), and analyzes the cluster features and degree. In conclusion, researcher attempts to examine that whether the mechanism of “Cultural and Creative Industry Park” can certainty attain the aim of industry clusters, and observe the impact on the whole development of cultural and creative industries