廣告是整合行銷的重要工具,可提高產品可見度。多數廣告借重「代言人」賦予產品個性。然而,代言人類型對廣告相信度與購買意願的影響性仍未有定論,這是本研究主要的研究問題。本研究採實驗法進行實證,以茶類產品為實驗產品,操作的自變數為代言人類型(典型消費者/專家)。參與實驗前測者共計68位,分別自10位候選人圈選出認為符合典型消費者、專家代言人特質者。正式實驗參與者為均為大學生,在接受資訊刺激後,填寫反應問卷(218份,有效率=87.2%)。透由相關係數矩陣、單因子因素分析,我們發現:相較於典型消費者代言,在專家代言時受訪者廣告相信度更高。但是,典型消費者代言樣本中,廣告相信度與購買意願有著較高關聯性。相關結論與建議於研究中深入討論。 Advertising is the usual means in integrated marketing, can let consumers understand the information of products. A product is unavoidable to rely on ”the spokesman” for communicating. Therefore, which kind of spokesmen can promote consumers' advertising believability, and which kind can increase purchase intentions? This is an interesting issue, however, still has no clearly answer. This study adopted the experimental design. We picked “can-tea” up as the experiment sample, the spokesman's types of (typical consumer/ the expert) as the independent variable. For pretest, we selected the "typical" and "expert" spokesmen. Total 218 of questionnaires were valid (87.2%). With the matrix of the coefficient correlation, ANOVA, we found that: Expert, relative to typical consumer, had higher advertising believability. However, typical consumer, relative to expert, had a higher relationship between advertising believability and purchase intentions.