本研究為瞭解台灣與日本兩地民眾對於植物園的利用情形,及園內展示解說內容之期望,以提昇植物園作為環境教育機構的功能以及民眾前往植物園之意願,因此利用網路問卷形式請居住在台灣與日本兩地的民眾填寫,分別以回答者屬性、植物園的利用情形、展示解說設施的滿意度、對植物園的展示環境及解說設施的期望等5大項目進行調查。調查結果顯示,不論台灣與日本,多數民眾數年會去一次植物園,而幾乎沒有去過及沒有去過植物園的民眾亦有23.92%(台灣)與40%(日本)。民眾認為植物園最大的魅力在於能親近大自然且能使心情放鬆,而不去植物園的理由台灣多為「不知能看到什麼」,日本為「沒有理由去」,顯示台灣的植物園的魅力及環境教育功能仍有待宣傳及加強,而日本的植物園可再增加引起民眾前往動機的手段。經由交叉分析,台灣沒有去過植物園的民眾,對植物園的環境教育展示的興趣稍高於去過植物園的民眾,日本則相反。而在自由填寫的意見中,兩地民眾對於植物園的展示解說系統皆有高度期待。因此台灣的植物園應於宣傳時強調身為社會教育機構的功能,建立園方與民眾交流的管道,並可學習日本的植物園在展示解說上的努力,以提昇展示解說的服務品質。 Try to promote the function of the botanical garden as an environmental education institution and the willingness of people to visit the botanical gardens; we made the web questionnaire in Taiwan and Japan. In the questionnaire, we know the actual utilization condition, the evaluation of exhibition facilities, the expecting of exhibition and explaining facilities, to the botanical gardens in Taiwan and Japan by the common people who lived in Taiwan and Japan.By the result, most people will go to botanical gardens every few years. They think that the botanical gardens are the places where are close to nature and make them relaxing. By the way, there are also 23.92% Taiwan people and 40% Japan people have not been to botanical garden.” I don’t know what will I see” (Taiwan repliers) and “No reason to visit it” (Japan repliers) are the main reasons why they do not want to visit botanical garden. It’s mean that the botanical gardens have to publicize the charming place and to emphasize they are one of environmental educational faction. The botanical gardens in Japan can be tried to increase the willingness of Japan people to visit them.By the result in Taiwan's questionnaire of cross analysis, the interest of botanical garden's environmental education in people who have not been to botanical gardens is higher then the people have been to botanical gardens. But the result in Japan is opposite. The people what ever live in Taiwan or Japan are highly anticipation the new technique of exhibition and explaining facilities in botanical gardens. So the botanical gardens in Taiwan can emphasizing they are environmental educational faction, building up the exchanging between curator and visitors, learning the technique of exhibition and enplaning which are used in botanical gardens in Japan, then can promotion the quality of exhibition.